George Bogdan Kistiakowsky, 18 November 1900 - 7 December 1982



The name Kistiakowsky was first drawn to my attention 50 years ago by my Oxford tutor H. W. (later Sir Harold) Thompson (F. R. S.), who required me to write an essay on photochemical reactions and suggested that Kistiakowsky’s book (5) should be read as a useful guide to the understanding of those chemical reactions which follow the primary act of light absorption. I followed the advice, which proved to be good, but I did not find the book particularly stimulating. In retrospect, I suppose this was inevitable because, in 1927, when the book was completed, photochemistry was still in a rather dull, classical, ‘stamp-collecting’, phase from which it was shortly rescued by spectroscopic and fluorescence measurements and by techniques for determining absolute reaction rates. Kistiakow sky was destined to contribute in a seminal way to this later development and I had a foretaste of this as I complied with Thompson’s request that I should also read two papers by Dieke & Kistiakowsky (31, 41) on the spectrum of formaldehyde.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference61 articles.

1. 1925 (W ith M . Bo d en st ein ) T h e photochem ical decom position of chlorine m onoxide. Z . phys. Chem. 116 371-390.

2. ecom position of ozone in red light. Z. phys;D;Chem.

3. 1926 T h e ionization potentials of nitrogen and hydrogen on iron and o th er m etals. J . phys. Chem. 30 1356-1363.

4. 1927 (W ith H. S. T aylor) C ontact catalysis and activation of gases by adsorption. Z . phys. Chem. 125 341-362.

5. Photochem ical processes. In Am erican Chemical Society Monograph N o. 43 pp. 270. N ew York: T h e C hem ical Catalog Co.

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