1. Original papers on photochemistry fluorescence and related subjects
2. (With H. B. H artley, A. O. Ponder & T. R. M erton) An attempt to separate the isotopes of chlorine;Phil. Mag.,1922
3. 1923 The photochemistry of unstable substances. chem. 1199. The photochemical decomposition of chlorine monoxide. chem. Soc. 2328.
4. 1924 (With H. B. H artley W. D. Scott & H. G. W atts) The rate of photochemical change in solids. J.chem. Soc. 1218. The photochemistry of the halogen hydrides. J . chem. Soc. 1233.
5. (With H. Booth) The action of light on chlorine dioxide. J. chem. Soc. 510. (With J. F. S harp) The photochemical decomposition of nitrosyl c h l o r i d e . chem. Soc. 1026. A note on the photoactivation of chlorine;Phil. Mag.,1925