David Victor Glass, 2 January 1912 - 23 September 1978


Wise M. J.




The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference64 articles.

1. 1929 T h e d e stru ctio n of pretence. Clare M ark et Rev. 10 , 43 - 44 .

2. 1934 D ivorce in E n g la n d a nd W ales (statistics). Sociological Rev. 26 July, pp. 288 - 308 .

3. 1935 The town and a changing civilisation. (148 pages.) L o n d o n : Bodley Head . T h e Berlin pop u latio n congress and recent p o p u lation m o v em e n ts . Eugen. Rev. 27 ( 3 ), 207 212.

4. 1936 The struggle for population. (148 pages.) Oxford: C lare n d o n Press . Som e recent literature on p o p ulation problem s. Eugen. Rev. 27 Ja n u a ry , pp. 326-8. Italian a tte m p ts to encourage po p u latio n grow th. Rev. econ. Stud. 3(2), pp. 106-119.

5. 1937 E conom ic fluctuations and m arriage frequency. Congr. int. de la Population Paris vol. 5 pp. 13 21.

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