Carolina Salustino dos Santos Maria,Emília Araújo de Oliveira Ana,Carvalho Lima Raquel,Vitória Gomes Lins Paz Iracema,Marília Lima Guida Vânia,Figueiredo da Silva Yasmin,Karine de Assunção Almeida Anne,Allyson Gomes Ferreira Jefferson,De Lucena Viana Alves Letícia,Claudino do Nascimento Nathalia,Lima Silva Luciene,Maria Bezerra Lucrécia,Araujo de Oliveira Carolyna,Lucas Viana Roly Damião
Patient safety means acting with skill, responsibility, humanization and commitment to the patient’s health, with the main focus of offering safe care, with a reduction in incidents. The objective is: To verify publications on patient safety and care shared in a multiprofessional way in the hospital environment. This study is an integrative literature review, with a qualitative and exploratory approach, which carried out research in the following health databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS); Online Scientific Electronic Library (SciELO); Medical Literature Review (MEDLINE/PUBMED). The research gathered 8 articles on the topic. Through the analysis of the results, it was observed that there is a great importance of communication and union between the members of the hospital team, especially in relation to the exchange of information, in order to prevent errors and exposures from occurring to the patient.
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