Evelly da Silva Olanda Debora,Da Silva Santos Samara,Quitéria Fernandes Ferreira Ana,Tavares Fialho Bezerra Sayonara,Martins de Araújo Núbia,Lobato de Souza Costa Debora,Brasileiro Amancio Zena,Gabriella Lacerda Sales Maria,Michele de Araujo Pedro Fabiana,Dayanna Alves Resende Tamires,Faria Teixeira Lídia,Nascimento Cardoso Camila,Jackson Tomaz Galdino de Farias Berlandio,Aline da Silva Barbosa Adriana,Paiva Góes Ramalho Juliana,Martins Gonçalves Albertina
Introduction: All actions that precede the arrival of the patient in the hospital are attributed to the prehospital care service. Qualified care at the time of occurrence, transportation and prior arrival at the hospital positively influences the morbidity and mortality rates due to trauma and are paramount for the survival of the victim. Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of traumatic care performed by the basic emergency mobile service in the city of Pedras de Fogo-PB. Methodology: This is a field-based, descriptive, descriptive, retrospective study with a quantitative approach, based on SAMU records, from January 2017 to January 2018. Data collection was performed through an instrument prepared by the researcher that was filled using data obtained. Results: It was observed through this study that the prevalence of traumatic cases attended by the service had as its main cause the motorcycle and the young adult male. Final Considerations: Concluding that data are omitted from the charts and that the quality of care generates patient survival.
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