Guilherme Pereira Victor,Cristina Condé Renata,Da Silva Alves Renato,Cristina Santos Alves Elaine,Souza França Ramos Robson,Esméria Neta Maria,do Carmo Ferreira Costa Cordeiro Maria,De Cássia Caldeira Santos Goes Rita,Scremin Marlete,Batista Vieira Isabella,Theresa Faria de Almeida Anna,Pereira Amancio Janaina,Lohany Cordeiro Souto Brenda,Maria Cordeiro Cardoso Julia,De Oliveira e Silva Júlia,Dias Cordeiro Rafael
Objective: to know the feelings of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Materials and Methods: The theme was addressed through an integrative literature review, an instrument of Evidence-Based Practice (EBE). A survey was carried out in the BDENF, LILACS and SciELO databases from August to September 2023. The following descriptors were used: Feelings. Breast cancer. Diagnosis, they were combined for search. Publications in the study were published Portuguese that made the abstract available in their databases. Results: We started from the systematization of categories of analysis that represent the axis around which the product of the dynamics performed is articulated, namely: Feelings experienced by women in the face of breast cancer and Family support for women with breast cancer. Final Considerations: Feelings arising from breast cancer diagnosis translate into fear, anxiety, uncertainty, hopelessness and anger.
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