
Cicero da Silva Luciano,Carolina Botto Barros Félix Ana,De Oliveira Alexandre Anderson,Nascimento Andrea,José de Andrade Antônio,César Santos Oliveira Bruno,De Fátima Rodrigues Sena Maria,Teresa Pinheiro Maria,De Fátima Figueroa Bohórquez Karen,Raimundo Ernesto Machado Sérgio


This article explores the role of telemedicine, a discipline that integrates the foundations of traditional medical practice with communications technology to provide healthcare at a distance. It examines the associated challenges, the opportunities offered and the future perspectives of medical propaedeutics in an increasingly digital scenario. Based on these aspects, the article proposes the use of a checklist as fundamental support for telemedicine. In summary, teleconsultation supported by a didactic and safe tool represents not only an evolution in the provision of healthcare, but also a testimony to the technology’s ability to provide an effective and patient-centered clinical experience. This new paradigm not only addresses the complexities of virtual consultation, but also shapes the future of medicine by embracing the potential of safe use of technology.




General Medicine

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