Luís Bender André,Carla Beserra da Fonseca Elizangela,Aureliano Santos de Araújo Helen,Evangelista Da Silva José,Luiz Da Silva Liria João,Adriano Silva Kleyton,Rodrigues da Silva Ueda Larissa,Fagundes Goulart Sheila,Guimarães Santos Saulo,Maria de Melo Silva Vaneska
School management is currently understood from the democratic and participatory principle, resulting in a more complex perception of the school manager’s participation in the success of the students’ learning process. In this sense, the perception of the concept of school manager has become broader, involving all aspects that directly or indirectly influence the quality of education in a given school institution. In this context, this article seeks to investigate how the continued training of school managers influences the quality of management performance and, consequently, the development of pedagogical planning that cooperates with the insertion of pedagogical practices based on the use of ICT and the adoption of a methodology from an innovative perspective.
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