The article deals with the place of the commentary genre in the journalistic heritage of a Crimean Tatar journalist, publisher, and educator, Ismail Gasprinsky. The authors prove that the work of I. Gasprinsky reveals an inclination towards the “journalism ofopinion”. One of the leading roles in it is played by the commentary genre, in which the editor and publisher of the Crimean Tatar newspaper, “Perevodchik-Terdzhiman”, expressed his attitude to the pressing problems of our time. The journalistic commentsof I. Gasprinsky show us his views on politics, society, religion, education, economy, and journalism, and the variety of rhetorical devices used in the comments demonstrate his journalistic skills. According to the authors, the fact of I. Gasprinsky’s active use of the commentary genre is determined by the influence of the traditions of Russian journalism, the national feature of which is its literary centricity, personalisation, focus on opinion more than fact, and, in particular, the influence of M. Katkov’s journalism.
Reference76 articles.
1. Источники
2. Гаспринский И., 1883, Ответы на вопросы, «Терджиман–Переводчик», № 2, 20.04.1883.
3. Гаспринский И., 2017, Полное собрание сочинений, т. 2, Симферополь: ООО Константа.
4. Литература
5. Байрамов Э., 2001, Великий просветитель российских мусульман Исмаил Гас-принский, Москва: Экслибрис-Пресс.