The Contrast Research of Human Papillomavirus Infection Genotypes in Tissues of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Cervical Adenocarcinoma


Wan Qijun,Chen Xin,Geng Jianxiang,Zhao Xue


The large sample data of HPV genotypes on cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) and cervical adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissues are rarely reported in China. This study is aimed to investigate the clinical value of distribution of different kinds of genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) within regional (mainly in Jiangsu Province in China) patients of both CSCC and CAC. We collected tissue samples of from 1044 women with CSC (826 cases) and CAC (218 cases) in 29 hospitals of 6 Provinces in China from November 1978 to December 2017. HPV DNA was extracted and 23 genotypes of HPV were detected through the combination of gene-chip and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to analyze distribution of HPV infection types among subjects of CSCC and CAC. Among 1044 cases of CSCC and CAC, 901 were found HPV positive making total HPV detection rate of 86.30% (901/1044). Total detection rate of CSCC was 91.53% (756/826) in which 16, 18, 58, 33, 52, 31 were the most common types where detection frequencies of 16 and 18 types were 56.84% (544/957) and 9.93% (95/957), respectively. Total detection rate of CAC was 66.51% (145/218) in which 16, 18, 31, 33, 52, 58 were the most common types where detection frequencies of 16 and 18 types were 35.29% (84/238) and 32.35% (77/238), respectively. The HPV detection rates were different in female CSCC and CAC tissues of region studied. The 16, 18, 31, 33, 52 and 58 types are the most common genotypes found in two sorts of cervical carcinoma tissues. The detection rate of 16 types was higher than 18 types in CSCC and were very close in CAC tissues. Conducting HPV genotypes detection of CSCC and CAC will help doctors evaluating onset risk of cervical carcinoma and tracking HPV infected patients with high cancerogenic risk. The early detection will play important role in prevention and treatment of female CSCC and CAC in our nation.


American Scientific Publishers


General Materials Science







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