Právní úprava ochrany volně žijících živočichů


Křížová Barbora


This article contains the main conclusions of a dissertation on legal regulation of wild animal protection, which was written within a doctoral study at the Faculty of Law, Charles University (Department of Environmental Law). The main goal of the dissertation was to comprehensively describe and analyse the legal regulation in detail, including its current legislative development, and to process a complete set of the international, EU, and Czech legal regulation in the field of wild animal protection. Wild animals are protected within the biodiversity protection and nature and landscape conservation, which can be divided into territorial and species protection, when this article focuses mainly on the species one. The article consists of three main parts, which focus on the international, European Union and Czech legal regulation. The text of the article was completed on 15 October 2021.


Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press

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5. Don't judge species on their origins







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