The Spanish Communist Exiles and Consentful Contention in State Socialist Czechoslovakia


Timko Maroš


This study focuses on the issue of the Spanish Communist exile in state socialist Czechoslovakia. It analyses the everyday resistance of the heterodox Spanish political emigrant José Valledor, which was carried out in the form of consentful contention – a tactic, through which a subordinate actor contests the government’s decisions whilst performing the role of a dutiful citizen. Valledor was able, with his petitions to the state organs while appealing to the regime’s own legitimating value system, to threaten the Czechoslovak authorities with the loss of the regime’s international prestige.


Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press

Reference31 articles.

1. BARTOŠEK, Karel, Zpráva o putování v komunistických archivech. Praha - Paříž (1948-1968) [Report on wanderings in the communist archives. Prague - Paris (1948-1968)], Praha: Paseka, 2000.

2. BÁRTA, Milan, "Právo azylu. Vznik politické emigrace v Československu po roce 1948" [The right to asylum. The emergence of political emigration in Czechoslovakia after 1948], Paměť a dějiny 1, Praha 2011, pp. 15-22.

3. Tourism and Travel during the Cold War

4. Mobilities in Socialist and Post-Socialist States

5. Navigating Socialist Encounters







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