Kodet O.,Dvořánková B.,Lacina L.,André S.,Kaltner H.,Gabius H.-J.,Smetana Karel
Nuclear galectins participate in splicing of pre-mRNA. In this study we detected galectins-1, -2, -3 and -7 and their glycoligands in three types of cells: fibroblasts, cancer epithelial cells and melanoma cells. The results demonstrated that the nuclear expression of distinct types of galectins and their ligands in interphasic nuclei is dependent on the cell type. The extensive binding of labelled galectins-1 and -2 to mitotic cells (around chromosomes, in mitotic spindle and in bridge connecting both daughter cells) suggests their role during the cell division.
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy
Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press