Budd-Chiari Syndrome


Grus Tomáš,Lambert Lukáš,Grusová Gabriela,Banerjee Rohan,Burgetová Andrea


Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is a rare disease with an incidence of 0.1 to 10 per million inhabitants a year caused by impaired venous outflow from the liver mostly at the level of hepatic veins and inferior vena cava. Etiological factors include hypercoagulable conditions, myeloprolipherative diseases, anatomical variability of the inferior vena cava, and environmental conditions. Survival rates in treated patients range from 42 to 100% depending on the etiology and the presence of risk factors including parameters of Child-Pugh score, sodium and creatinine plasma levels, and the choice of treatment. Without treatment, 90% of patients die within 3 years, mostly due to complications of liver cirrhosis. BCS can be classified according to etiology (primary, secondary), clinical course (acute, chronic, acute or chronic lesion), and morphology (truncal, radicular, and venooclusive type). The diagnosis is established by demonstrating obstruction of the venous outflow and structural changes of the liver, portal venous system, or a secondary pathology by ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance. Laboratory and hematological tests are an integral part of the comprehensive workup and are invaluable in recognizing hematological and coagulation disorders that may be identified in up to 75% of patients with BCS. The recommended therapeutic approach to BCS is based on a stepwise algorithm beginning with medical treatment (a consensus of expert opinion recommends anticoagulation in all patients), endovascular treatment to restore vessel patency (angioplasty, stenting, and local thrombolysis), placement of transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS), and orthotopic liver transplantation as a last resort rescue treatment.


Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press


General Medicine

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