1. Janusz Beksiak and others (ed.), Liberalizm w ekonomii drugiej Rzeczypospolitej (Liberalismin the Economics of the Second Republic), Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow (1995).
2. Wlodzimierz Bernacki, Z dziejow polskiego liberalizmu politycznego (From the History of Polish Political Liberalism), PAN Oddzial w Krakowie, Krakow (1994).
3. Miroslaw Dzielsfki, Odrodzenie ducha-budowa wolnosci. Pisma zebrane (Spiritual Rebirth-The Construction of Freedom. Collected Works), KTP and ZNAK Publishing House, Krakow (1995).
4. Aleksander Gieysztor and others, History of Poland, 2nd edition, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw (1979).
5. John Gray, Post-liberalism. Studies in Political Thought, Routledge, New York and London (1993).