1. J.L. Bently, D. Haken, and J.B. Saxe. A general method for solving divide-and-conquer recurrences. SIGACT News, 12(3):6–44, 1980.
2. T. Cormen, C.Leiserson and R. Rivest. Introduction to Algorithms. McGraw-Hill, 1990, Chapter 4.
3. Donald E. Knuth. Fundamental Algorithms, volume 1 of The Art of Computer Programming. Addison-Wesley, 1968. Second edition, 1973.
4. C. L. Liu. Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics. McGraw-Hill, 1968.
5. Paul W. Purdom, Jr., and Cynthia A. Brown. The Analysis of Algorithms. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985.