1. Carboplatin in the treatment of testicular cancer: The Royal Marsden Hospital Testicular Tumour Unit Experience. Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions;Horwich,1990
2. Carboplatin in refractory epithelial ovarian cancer. Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions;Kavanagh,1990
3. A phase II trial of carboplatin in advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium. Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions;Trump,1990
4. Carboplatin in small-cell lung cancer: The Royal Marsden Hospital experience. Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions;Smith,1990
5. Carboplatin in non-small-cell lung cancer: The Cancer and Leukemia Group B experience. Carboplatin (JM-8) Current Perspectives and Future Directions;Green,1990