Znamenskaya L F,Znamenskaya L F
Psoriasis is one of the most prevalent inflammatory dermatoses. At the same time, its pathogenesis has not been studied
in full. Proteome profiling is currently a promising method to study the biological mechanisms of developing different
diseases. Proteome technologies make it possible to detect changes in the skin protein profile in psoriatic patients and
identify the revealed proteins. The proteins serve as potential targets for drugs or biomarkers for assessing the patients
individual drug response. The article describes the key achievements in the field of studying the pathogenesis of psoriasis
using proteome technologies (two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry) set out in the latest literature
sources, and also analyzes the results of the authors studies aimed at detecting proteins being markers of the patients
response to the infliximab therapy.
Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov