Background. Сurrently, much attention is paid to the quality of patients, which is a promising direction of life, allowing to put a complete and objective picture of the disease, determine the most stable method of treatment, and evaluate its results.
Aims. To evaluate the effectiveness of complex therapy in patients with onychomycosis and mycosis of the feet with concomitant non-alcoholic severe liver disease (NAFLD) using a modified questionnaire-questionnaire of the combined index of quality of life (QL-Index).
Methods. The combined index of quality of life (QL-Index) was determined in patients with onychomycosis and mycosis of the feet with with concomitant NAFLD before and after complex therapy.
Results. Analysis of the results of assessing the presence of a combined index of quality of life in 117 patients with onychomycosis and foot mycosis with concomitant NAFLD before treatment showed that the presence of onychomycosis and mycosis of the feet in the majority of respondents has a strong impact on the lives of the respondents (69.2%). After the complex treatment, according to the results of the combined questionnaire-questionnaire of the quality of life index, it was revealed that social activity in patients with onychomycosis and foot mycosis with concomitant NAFLD increased, and the psycho-emotional state improved. The quality of life of patients has improved, which significantly increased the effectiveness of this complex treatment.
Conclusion. The high efficacy and safety of complex therapy, which included the use of the systemic antimycotic itraconazole in combination with external antifungal drugs, a hepatoprotector and a prebiotic in patients with onychomycosis and mycosis of the feet with concomitant NAFLD.
Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov
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