Giant nodular basal cell skin cancer


Sedova Tatiana G.ORCID,Elkin Vladimir D.ORCID


The article presents clinical case report of primary giant nodular basal cell skin cancer in two patients at the age of 64 and 68 years and with disease duration of 20 and 15 years respectively. Psychological status of fear and anxiety are considered the main reasons for the late health encounter. The clinical picture of the case report was characterized by a slow long-term asymptomatic growth of solitary tumor-like mushroom-shaped nodes of stagnant pink color with a bumpy surface, densely elastic consistency, adherent to underlying soft tissues and sized 9.5 7.0 cm and 5.0 9.0 cm respectively. Giant basaliomas were located on the scalp in a woman and on the trunk skin in a man. The clinical tumors features are corresponded to those of a large conglomerated basal cell skin cancer. The article also presents a description of the clinical and dermatoscopic picture of giant nodular basaliomas. The patients underwent curative surgical excision of tumors with pathomorphological examination of the postoperative material. The histological picture of giant basal cell carcinoma in both cases is represented by tumors of a complex structure, namely a solid adenoid type with invasion into the reticular dermis and subcutaneous fat. The low biological potential of giant nodular basaliomas has been established.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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