Giant chancres of perigenital localization


Koshkin Sergei V.ORCID,Evseeva Anna L.ORCID,Ryabova Vera V.ORCID,Pospelova Kristina Yu.ORCID


with complaints of inflammation of the skin of the penis, the “ulcer” on the abdomen, which had appeared a month before, did not bother him at all. The next two observations were identified as sexual contacts. It is interesting that all three cases, in addition to the identical localization of the primary affect (skin of the abdomen), unite friendly relations and a common source of infection. The presence of widespread specific rashes (roseola without a tendency to group) against the background of remains of chancre implies a diagnosis of “lues secundaria recens” in the patient. However, all the described patients also had clinical signs that were more characteristic of the malignant course of syphilis — the early development of widespread papulopustular elements and alopecia.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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