A patient with connective tissue dysplasia at a cosmetologist's appointment: features of diagnosis and management


Borzykh Olga B.ORCID


Patients with various manifestations of involutional skin changes often come to an appointment with a cosmetologist and a dermatologist. Among such patients, a group can be distinguished who have premature aging, or rather more pronounced signs of facial aging, in comparison with their peers. Сonnective tissue dysplasia are often found in this group of patients. An example of a patient with connective tissue dysplasia, with multiple organ disorders, with skin manifestations of dysplasia is presented. Tactics of managing such patients, diagnostic features and possible errors in the management of patients with connective tissue dysplasia are analyzed. Particular attention should be paid to the joint management of such patients with doctors of other specialties, respectively, the organ systems involved and recommendations for patients with connective tissue dysplasia regarding lifestyle.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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