Determination of class M and G antibodies to T.pallidum antigens in patients with primary syphilis


Rotanov S V,Ermatova F A


The authors present the results of a study of blood serum samples obtained from patients with clinically diagnosed primary syphilis by the linear immunoblotting method to determine IgM and IgG antibodies to T. pallidum antigens, which enabled the authors to study the intensity of the humoral immune response to individual T. pallidum antigens at early stages of the infection. The humoral response by means of the synthesis of specific class M antibodies in case of primary syphilis was accompanied by the formation of Class G antibodies in most cases; the frequency of revealing Class M and G antibodies was as follows: TmpA antigen 100 and 98.68%; TpN47 90.79 and 97.37%; TpN17 90.79 and 89.47%; TpN 15 72.37 and 73.69% of all cases, respectively; the content of class G antibodies to each of the four T. pallidum antigens exceeded the levels of Class M antibodies by more than twice. Different profiles of the humoral immune response with the involvement of IgM and IgG antibodies distinguished by a more expressed synthesis of antibodies to any or several of T. pallidum antigens were discovered and characterized for the first time. The clinical sensitivity of the IgM immunoblotting method for diagnosing primary syphilis amounted to 85.53%, IgG immunoblotting 92.11%, which means that the method can be used to diagnose early forms of syphilis.


Rossijskoe Obschestvo Dermatovenerologov i Kosmetologov


Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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