Urgent intraoperative cytological diagnosis of spherical mass lesions in the lungs


Kruglova I. A.1ORCID,Paranina T. V.2ORCID,Zinoviev S. V.3ORCID,Utkin O. V.4ORCID,Denisenko A. N.1


1. State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “City Hospital No.35, Sovetskiy district of Nizhniy Novgorod”

2. State Budgetary Health Institution of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary”

3. State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary”

4. Federal Budgetary Science Institution “Academician I.N.Blokhina Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology”, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing


Differential diagnosis of pulmonary mass lesions is one of the most difficult tasks not only in pulmonology but also in phthisiology, because clinical manifestations, data from visual and laboratory examinations are undifferentiated in the early stages. In the case of an unclear diagnosis, morphological verification of the process played a crucial role. Urgent intraoperative examination is the most difficult option for morphologic verification of lung lesions, which requires a quick, detailed, and accurate answer.The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical significance and efficacy of urgent intraoperative cytologic examination in the differential diagnosis between granulomatous (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis), tumor and tumor-like lesions of the lung.Methods. The results of urgent intraoperative cytologic examination of 173 tissue specimens from lung masses were retrospectively analyzed. Cytologic specimens were stained by the May – Grunwald – Giemse and Ziehl – Neelsen methods and then visualized on a Zeiss Lab A1 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany). The obtained data are compared with the results of histological examination. To evaluate the effectiveness of intraoperative cytologic examination, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were calculated.Results. Analysis of the results of urgent cytological examinations (n = 173) shows that granulomatosis (tuberculosis/sarcoidosis) was established in 64.7% of cases, malignancy – in 31 cases (cancer – 9.2%, carcinoid tumor – 2.9%, malignant neoplasm of unclear etiology – 4%, suspected malignant lesion – 1.7%); benign process – in 9.2% of cases (hamartoma + chondroma – 5.2%, chronic inflammation – 4%). 1.2% of the cases had no diagnostic material. When comparing the obtained results, there was a discrepancy between the histological picture (2.9% of cases) and the primary clinical diagnosis (5.7% of cases). Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of cytologic examination of intraoperative material amounted to 95.9, 71, and 98%, respectively.Conclusion. The high sensitivity and accuracy (> 90%) of urgent cytologic diagnosis of pathologic processes in the lung under intraoperative conditions were demonstrated by the correct assessment of morphologic signs of a given lesion and by their comparison with the clinical picture and the results of additional examinations. Analysis of cytological specimens showed that urgent cytological examination significantly complements the morphological picture of lung lesions and can be considered as the first stage of phenotypic diagnosis.


Scientific and Practical Reviewed Journal Pulmonology


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

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