Modern cultivation technologies in improvement of corn quality


Drobitko Аntonina,Kachanova Tetiana,Markova Nataliia,Malkina Vіra


Research on the development of sustainable and productive methods of corn cultivation is becoming relevant due to the growing demand for food resources and the need to optimise agrotechnical processes. The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of maize cultivation under different tillage methods. A field experiment was conducted to achieve this goal, phenological observations of corn plant development was made, and grain quality was studied. The results of the maize yield analysis show that ploughing to a depth of 30 cm produces the highest maize yield of 91.6 c/ha while disking to a depth of 15 cm results in the lowest yield of 80.6 c/ha. The study proved that the method of tillage affects grain quality indicators, in particular, the content of crude fibre, starch, protein and crude fat. Thus, when ploughing to a depth of 30 cm, the starch content in the grain was 70.9%, crude fibre – 2.12%, protein – 10.2%, and crude fat – 4.225%. The correlation and regression analysis showed that the coefficient of determination (R2) for tillage is about 0.9, which means that the model accurately describes the available data, and for grain quality indicators, R2 is in the range of 0.66-0.99, which also indicates a strong relationship between the factors under study. The practical significance of the research results is that they can serve as a basis for optimising the agronomic processes of maize cultivation to increase yields and improve grain quality


Scientific Journals Publishing House







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