
Tolstykh S. A.,Sharov V. D.


In developing and implementing the safety management System (SMS), which is mandatory in accordance with ICAO SARPs and the requirements of the air legislation of the Russian Federation, civil aviation aerodrome operators face methodological problems mainly in two components of the SMS – risk management and calculation of the safety performance indicators. To solve these problems, the article proposes to use a new approach for risk management in the airlines, developed by the Airline Risk Management Solution Group (ARMS). When adapting the method to the activities of the airport operator, the specifics of aviation events at the airport are taken into account. Manifestations of hazard factors in the form of events and deviations from the norms are proposed to be structured in accordance with the classification of activities in ground handling according to ISAGO Manual. A method for calculating and monitoring the safety performance indicator for the airport operator having extremely rare aviation events is proposed. The advantages of the ARMS approach in the implementation of the main prognostic part of the risk assessment, which directly considers the ability of the system to counteract the dangerous situation under the influence of hazards are shown. A threelevel scheme of safety management at the airport is proposed. The method proposed in the article was used as a basis for SMS implemented at two international aerodromes of the Russian Federation.


Moscow State Institute of Civil Aviation


General Medicine

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