Investigating the ¬career maturity prediction model based on social adaptation, shame and ¬communication skills in hearing impaired and normal people


Raji Zahra,Rezaei Dehnavi Siddiqa


 The purpose of the research Present "Review Model Forecast­​ puberty job According to Social adjustment, Feeling shame And skills­​ communicational At Persons With damage hearing And It was normal. Career maturity plays a very important role in choosing and staying in a job in people. This research, in terms of its purpose, was among applied ­research ­and in terms of its method, it was descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of the study included all ­normal and ­hearing-impaired people ( ­hearing-impaired and deaf people who are members of the Isfahan Center for the Deaf, numbering 213 people). sample size using the ­available sampling method; For ­the hearing impaired and normal people (paired ­with the deaf group in terms of ­demographic characteristics ­), a total number of 262 people were estimated (131 people each for healthy people and deaf people). The research data collection tool includes 4 types of job maturity questionnaire ­by Savix and Porfli (2011); Bell's social adjustment (1961); Queendam's communication ­skills ­(2004) and guilt and shame tendency scale were from Cohen et al. (2011 ) ­. The results of the investigation using ­spss and Smart pls-3 statistical software showed that in both groups, the components ­of social adaptation and ­communication skills are able to predict ­the component ­of professional maturity ­. In the healthy group, shame was not able to predict ­professional maturity ­. Social adjustment can fully predict ­career maturity ­. Among the components ­of shame; Withdrawal is ­able to predict ­career maturity, but the negative self-evaluation component ­does not have the power to predict career maturity. Among ­communication skills, listening skills ­and communication process; has been able to predict ­career maturity; However, the skills ­of receiving messages, emotional control and communication combined with determination; has not been able to predict ­career maturity. In general, the components of communication ­skills ­, social adaptation and feeling of shame ­have the power to predict professional maturity ­. You should try to increase the amount of these variables by creating workshops ­and educational and consulting centers ­and finally, the growth of career maturity in people.  


Arvin Arena

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