Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage on Physicochemical Properties and Anthocyanin Contents of Red Cabbage-Roselle Blended Drink


Nur Farah Hani Muhamad ,Hussin Faridah Hussin,Arifin Norlelawati Arifin


This study aimed to determine the effect of different packaging materials on physicochemical properties and anthocyanins content of red cabbage-roselle blended drink during 6-month storage. The pasteurised blended drink was hot-filled into three different packaging materials: glass bottle, beverage can, and polypropylene (PP) bottle, then stored in a dark place at ambient temperature (29 ± 2 °C). Packaging materials and storage time were found to affect physicochemical properties significantly and anthocyanins content of red cabbage-roselle blended drink packed in a glass bottle, can, and PP bottle during storage. Results show that pH, total soluble solids, colour L* (lightness), and b* (yellowness) of red cabbage-roselle blended drink increase significantly (p<0.05) during storage at the ambient temperature, whereas titratable acidity, colour a* (redness) and total anthocyanins content decrease significantly irrespective to packaging materials used. Blended drink packed in glass bottles significantly (p<0.05) has the highest red colour retention and anthocyanins content, followed by blended drink stored in cans and PP bottles. Hence, glass bottles should be preferred as the most appropriate packaging material to store the blended drink, followed by cans and PP bottles as glass bottles provide better anthocyanins stability for a red cabbage-roselle blended drink.


Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia








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