Representation of Women in Top Educational Management and Leadership Positions in Kenya


Amondi Osumbah B.


The purpose of the study was to investigate factors causing under representation of women in top educational management and leadership positions at the Ministry of Education headquarters in Kenya. Descriptive survey design, utilizing quantitative and qualitative approach was used in the study. Stratified random sampling was used to categorize the target population of 161 educational personnel by level of management and gender. Simple random sampling was then used to get a study sample of 76 officers. Questionnaire and interview guide were used to gather information from the respondents. Analysis of staff returns documents was done to get the numerical representation of the personnel by gender. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency distribution, mean scores, and standard deviations. The findings showed that 33.3 percent and 32.1 percent of top and middle management positions respectively were held by women. In terms of professional qualifications, 55 percent and 51.5 percent of M.Ed and B.Ed holders respectively, were women. Both male and female genders were rated "˜high' in possession of skills and personality characteristics the respondents considered important for top educational management and leadership positions. Organizational factors were the strongest barriers for women in ascending to top educational management and leadership positions. This was followed by socio-cultural and the least were individual factors. Strategies to improve the representation of women in top educational management and leadership therefore focused on the girl child in school, women themselves, society, government policies, the Education Act and the country's constitution


Texas A&M University Libraries

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