Introduction: Visual training has been used to improve locomotion fall risk in older adults. Objective: This study evaluates the effects of visual training on physical abilities and visual functions of older adults from Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methodology: A quasi-experimental study of older adults who underwent visual evaluation and assessment of physical abilities through the Senior Fitness Test, a standardized obstacle course, and the eye-hand coordination test. For 10 weeks, all adults attended daily recreational physical activities. Additionally, those assigned to the experimental group received a weekly session of visual training. Results: A total of 52 adults with a median age of 68.5 years were enrolled. Of the participants, 84.21% (48) were female and 93.94% were obese. Normal values were presented for aerobic resistance and lower and upper limb strength. Overall, 91.3% (21) had no ocular pathologies impacting visual acuity. Those who received visual training showed statistically significant improvements in the time it took to run the obstacle course and on the eye-hand coordination test. Conclusions:Visual training has a positive effect on hand-eye coordination, vision-mediated locomotion, and balance in older adults. These results suggest that virtual reality may enhance reaction speed, balance, and coordination.
Universidad Industrial de Santander
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