1. 1. Regulation of the Advisory Council for Expertise in the Field of Research and Development, Chisinau, 2000. Available online: https://www.justice.gov.md/public/files/consiliul_consultativ_actual.pdf (accessed on 21 February 2024).
2. 2. Enterprise Europe Network. Available online: https://www.ancd.gov.md/ro/content/descriere (accessed on 21 February 2024).
3. 3. Moldavian news. Available online: http://www.evedomosti.md/news/na-chto-pravitelstvo-moldovy- planiruet-potratit-29-milliardo (accessed on 24 February 2024).
4. 4. Definitions. Ordinance 57/2002. Available online: https://lege5.ro/Gratuit/gm4tioby/definitii-ordonanta-57- 2002?dp=gizdkmrsgy3ti (accessed 26 February 2024).
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