1. http://www.equator-principles.com> and Annex 111. These principles are described below and are outlined in N. Clayton, `Equator Principles - Soft on Human Rights?' (2008) 2(2)Bankers Law13-17.
2. This figure was reduced from $50 million, the figure previously contained in EP1.
3. The monitoring of these covenants by EP2 banks will be discussed in section 2 of this article. The various covenants that a borrower must enter into with the EP2 bank are contained in EP2, Principle 8.
4. P.Q. Watchman, A. Delfino, J. Addison, `EP2 - The Revised Equator Principles: Why hard-nosed bankers are embracing soft law principles' (2007) 1(2)Law and Financial Markets Review85-113. See also W. Thomas, `Equator Principles II: The need to be sustainable' (2006) 25(9)International Financial Law Review62-5.
5. Project finance is defined in EP2 as `a method of funding in which the lender looks primarily to the revenues generated by a single project, both as the source of repayment and as security for the exposure '