Occupation-Specific Precursors of Stress among Greek Police Officers: The Roles of Rank and Gender


Antoniou Alexander-Stamatios1


1. Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, University Campus (Panepistimiopolis), 157 84 Athens, Greece. Tel. & Fax: 00301-7277640


Although assessment of stress is typically performed using generic stress questionnaires, the context-specificity and generalisability of such assessments are often ignored. This study explored the differences in perceptions of work-related stressors in male/female and high/low rank police officers in Greece, by the application of a context-specific measure. 512 police officers representing the Hellenic police force responded to a questionnaire assessing precursors to work stress, and perceived level of stress. Results revealed that the nature of occupational stressors pertinent to Greek police officers differed as a function of their gender and their rank. Males and females differed in their perceptions of stressfulness of the context-specific issues assessed, with females reporting significantly higher stress in 21 work and organisational issues. High and low rank police officers also differed in their perceptions of stressfulness, with high rank police officers reporting more stress overall. The study highlighted the facts that work issues pertaining to female police officers' work and work issues pertaining to high and low rank police officers are of a specific nature. Women police officers are concerned more with issues related to career opportunities, roles and responsibility, and work–family issues. Risk assessment and stress management interventions should take these into consideration. Context-specificity is a good way forward in assessments of stress, and measures may need to be refined.


SAGE Publications



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