Digital filter for device of determining coordinates of radio signal source in satellite telecommunications systems


Sukhotin V. V.1ORCID,Tikhtenko A. S.1,Zhgun A. V.1,Sidorin V. A.1


1. Siberian Federal University


Work is devoted research of signal power dependence that will be used in the measurements and noise components of the signal from the digital filter type, filter parameters for various signal-to-noise ratios. The substantiation of the relevance of research is given, which consists in finding the possibility of using digital filters for a device for determining the coordinates of a radio signal source in satellite telecommunications, providing a minimum error in measuring the phase difference. The structure of the system for determining the coordinates of the radio signal source is given. The developed computer model and its description are presented. The researchers are considered for digital recursive band-pass filters of the Butterworth, Chebyshev type 1, Chebyshev type 2, Zolotarev-Cauer type, which are specified using a discrete linear system. Appropriate conclusions are drawn about the applicability of digital filters in the device for determining coordinates. The types of filters are determined and requirements are presented to ensure the minimum error in measuring the phase difference.


TP National Information Satellite System

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