Creation of a simulation model of a solar battery


Romanov R. V.1


1. Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology


The article describes the process of creating a BS simulation model. The object of the study is the BS, which is part of the STAGE of a spacecraft placed in a highly elliptical orbit of an artificial Earth satellite. When creating a simulation model, the BS was formed by photovoltaic devices (PV) made of helium arsenide (AG), the efficiency of which is 27 %. When creating the simulation model, the following parameters were taken into account: the no- load voltage of the illuminated BS, at a steady temperature when the spacecraft leaves the Earth's shadow of the maximum duration with a deviation of the normal to the surface of the BS from the direction to the Sun, as well as a change in the output current. Also, when creating the model, the effects of external factors are taken into account, such as: a decrease in external atmospheric pressure, changes in the temperature of the BS during the passage of the spacecraft shadow sections of the orbit, ionizing radiation of the KP during interaction with magnetospheric plasma, shadowing by spacecraft structures, and others.


TP National Information Satellite System


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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