Hiroshima University - Department of Mathematics
Geometry and Topology,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis
Reference6 articles.
1. [1] N. Bourbaki, Espaces vectorels topologiques, Ch.I-V, Hermann, Paris, 1955.
2. [2] R. D. Bourgin, Geometric Aspects of Convex Sets with the Radon-Nikodym-Property, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 993, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983, 159-168.
3. [3] W. J. Davis and W. B. Johnson, A renorming of nonreflexive Banach spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 37 (1973), 486-488.
4. [4] D. V. Dulst and I. Singer, On Kadec-Klee norms on Banach spaces. Studia Math., 54 (1976), 205-211.
5. [5] B. V. Godun, Equivalent norms on non-reflexive Banach spaces, Soviet Math. Dokl., 26 (1982), 12-15.