1. [2] I. T. Kiguradze, The problem of oscillation of solutions of nonlinear differential equations, Differencianye Uravnenija 1 (1965), 995-1006. (Russian)
2. [I] I. T. Kiguradze, On the oscillation of solutions of the equation d m u/dt m -å(t)\u n sign w=0, Mat. Sb. 65 (1964), 172-187. (Russian)
3. [3] Y. Kitamura and T. Kusano, On the oscillation of a class of nonlinear differential systems with deviating argument, J. Math. Aanl. Appl. (to appear).
4. [4] T. Kusano and M. Naito, Nonlinear oscillation of fourth order differential equations with deviating argument, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. (to appear).
5. [5] T. Kusano and M. Naito, On fourth-order non-linear oscillations with deviating argument, submitted for publication.