Hiroshima University - Department of Mathematics
Geometry and Topology,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis
Reference12 articles.
1. [1] H. H. Bauschke, Y. Lucet, and H. M. Phan, On the convexity of piecewise-defined functions, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 22 (2016), no. 3, 728–742.
2. [2] K. Böröczky and K. J. Böröczky, Isoperimetric problems for polytopes with a given number of vertices, Mathematika, 43 (1996), no. 2, 237–254.
3. [3] K. J. Böröczky and A. Kovács, The isoperimetric problem for 3-polytopes with six vertices, arXiv:1901.02160.
4. [4] L. Fejes Tóth, Über zwei Maximumaufgaben bei Polyedern, Tôhoku Math. Journal (1-st series) 46 (1939), 79–83, Published under the name: Ladislaus Fejes.
5. [5] L. Fejes Tóth, Über einige extremaleigenschaften der regularen Polyeder und des gleichseitigen Dreiecksgitters, Annal. Scuola Normal. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci. 13 (1948), 51–58, Published under the name: László Fejes.