Setyawan Ary,Hermani Wahyuningsih Tri,Yulianto Budi,Gravitiani Evi
Sustainable road construction is instrumental in improving connectivity among regions and economies while also offering road users a diverse range of options within the traffic network. To ensure optimal road performance for users, it becomes essential to allocate adequate maintenance funds that correlate with the planned service life. This necessity originates from a profound understanding of the significant influence maintenance funds have on road steadiness. Therefore, this study aims to establish a comprehensive road steadiness model, investigating the influence of toll roads as new routes and the impact on maintenance funds. The analysis included national roads across 15 cities in Central Java Province, Indonesia, covering a distance of 759.75 km from 2018–2023. Using a quantitative approach, the study adopted the Curva Expert program to evaluate the values of road steadiness and maintenance funds. The results showed a 5.78% enhancement in road steadiness over the period from 2018 to 2023, underscoring the positive impact of sustainable road construction practices and the allocation of adequate maintenance funds. The establishment of relationship between road steadiness and maintenance funds was established through a regression value of R2=0.94. This statistical correlation is represented by the equation y= 90.521 + 0.022x, providing a quantitative understanding of how maintenance funds influence road steadiness. The insights obtained from the outcomes of road steadiness modeling reiterate the significance of investing in additional routes and ensuring sufficient maintenance funds to improve performance. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-02-014 Full Text: PDF