The goal of this study is to present the mixed Tukey exponentially weighted moving average-modified exponentially weighted moving average control chart (MEME-TCC) for monitoring process location with symmetric and skewed distributions in an attempt to significantly improve detection ability. With the benefits of nonparametric assumption robustness. The average and median run lengths are supporting measurements for assessing the performance of a monitoring scheme using Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, the average extra quadratic loss (AEQL), relative mean index (RMI), and performance comparison index (PCI) can all be used to evaluate overall performance criteria. The proposed chart is compared with existing charts such as; EWMA, MEWMA, TCC, MEME, MMEE, and MMEE-TCC. The comparison result shows that the proposed chart is the best control chart for detecting small to moderate shifts among all distributional settings. Nevertheless, the EWMA chart detects large shifts more effectively than other charts, except in the case of the gamma distribution, where MEWMA performs best. The results of adapting the proposed control chart to two sets of real data corresponded to the research findings. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-014 Full Text: PDF
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