Is There a "Logical Problem" of Second Language Acquisition?


White Lydia


Arguments for universal grammar (DO) in generative theory are based on the so called "logical problem of language acquisition." The nature of the problem becomes apparent when we consider the end product of the acquisition process and compare this to the input data, which do not seem sufficiently rich or precise to allow the learner to work out all the complexities of the adult grammar, unless one assumes the availability of certain innate principles (DO). In this paper, I will suggest that this orientation is also useful when one comes to consider second language acquisition. If we focus on the successful second language (L2) learner, it would appear that he or she will also achieve complex knowledge of the L2 which goes well beyond the input. This suggests that DO might have a role to play in L2 acquisition as well, and raises the question of whether the way that DO has operated in the Ll has any effects in L2 acquisition. I will briefly look at current L2 research that presupposes a DO framework, as well as suggesting some directions for further research.


TESL Canada Federation

Cited by 61 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Formal Linguistic Approaches to Adult L2 Acquisition and Processing;The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning;2019-06-27

2. A formalist perspective on language acquisition;Epistemological issue with keynote article “A Formalist Perspective on Language Acquisition” by Charles Yang;2018-11-26

3. References;Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar;2003-03-06

4. Notes;Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar;2003-03-06

5. Glossary;Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar;2003-03-06







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