Mesovoid shallow substratum as a biodiversity hotspot for conservation priorities: analysis of oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) fauna


Nae Ioana1,Băncilă Raluca Ioana2


1. “Emil Racoviţă” Institute of Speleology of Romanian Academy, 13 Septembrie Road, No. 13, 050711, Bucharest, Romania. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Splaiul Independentei 91-95, Bucharest, R-050095, Romania

2. “Emil Racoviţă” Institute of Speleology of Romanian Academy, 13 Septembrie Road, No. 13, 050711, Bucharest, Romania. 3University Ovidius Constanţa, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Al. Universităţii, corp B, Constanţa, Romania


The mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS) is a unique habitat that shelters and serves as a microrefuge for epigean, endogean and hypogean invertebrate species. Understanding the MSS community′s spatio-temporal structure and species diversity patterns in relation to the environmental parameters plays a crucial role in conservation. In this study we investigated: i) the diversity and community structure of oribatid mites from edaphic habitat, superficial MSS (i.e., the upper layer of MSS) and deep MSS (i.e., lower layer of MSS) in an alpine region of Southern Carpathians, Romania, and ii) the relationships between the oribatid mite communities and the environmental variables, such as temperature and humidity. The composition and the structure of oribatid communities differed along the three habitats indicating possible habitat specialization. The structure of the oribatid community was influenced by temperature and humidity. The rich and mixed oribatid communities in the MSS and the oribatid communities' response to surface and subsurface environmental variables suggest that the MSS may offer a micro-refuge for edaphic species when the conditions in the surface habitats become too harsh. Thus, we suggest that MSS should be prioritized for conservation because it may be the key component in maintaining biodiversity.


Les Amis d'Acarologia


Insect Science







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