The following 13 new species are described from Western Australia: Tartarothyas curtipalpis n. sp., T. beedelup n. sp., T. setosa n. sp. (Hydryphantidae), Oxus siniscutatus n. sp. (Oxidae), Procorticacarus beedelup n. sp., Procorticacarus minutus n. sp. (Hygrobatidae), Koenikea (Notomideopsis) longiseta n. sp., Unionicola neowalkeri n. sp. (Unionicolidae), Piona kimberleyensis n. sp. (Pionidae), Austraturus simplex n. sp., Axonopsella porphyria n. sp., (Aturidae), Arrenurus (Truncaturus) pinderi n. sp. (Arrenuridae) and Momoniella rubripes n. sp. (Momoniidae). A key is provided for the Australian Tartarothyas species. Many new records are given for Western Australia, resulting in 16 species new to the fauna of the state (apart from the new species described).