UDC 517.9
Recently, Kolodziej proved that, on a compact Kähler manifold the solutions to the complex Monge – Ampére equation with the right-hand side in are Hölder continuous with the exponent depending on and (see [Math. Ann., <strong>342</strong>, 379-386 (2008)]).Then, by the regularization techniques in[J. Algebraic Geom., <strong>1</strong>, 361-409 (1992)], the authors in [J. Eur. Math. Soc., <strong>16</strong>, 619-647 (2014)] have found the optimal exponent of the solutions.In this paper, we construct a cover of the compact Kähler manifold which only depends on curvature of Then, as an application, base on the arguments in[Math. Ann., <strong>342</strong>, 379-386 (2008)], we show that the solutions are Hölder continuous with the exponent just depending on the function in the right-hand side and upper bound of curvature of
Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Reference20 articles.
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