Pengaruh Circuit Training dan Kadar Oksigen dalam Minuman Terhadap Nilai VO2MAX
Aliriad Hilmy,Adi S,Hudah Maftukin,Apriyanto Rohmad,Da'i Mohamad
This study aims to determine the effect of Circuit Training and oxygen levels in beverages on the VO2 MAX value of Rugby SME students. The sample used in this study amounted to 10 students of Rugby SMEs. The instrument in this study used the bleep test. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the VO2 MAX value before and after the Circuit Training and the provision of beverages with high oxygen levels with data t-count value of 5.15 is greater than the T-table value of 1,833. This means that the difference in average VO2 MAX before and after exercise can be said to be significant with a significant level of 0.5%. The results of data analysis showed a significant effect between Circuit Training and the provision of drinks with high oxygen levels to the value of VO2 MAX Rugby UKM students. The conclusion of this study shows that Circuit Training exercises and oxygen levels in drinks have a positive and significant impact on increasing VO2 MAX Rugby UKM students, with a significant level of 0.5%. T-count values greater than T-table values prove the existence of strong evidence to state significant differences between VO2 MAX before and after exercise.
Universitas PGRI Semarang
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