Sarkar Maalika,De Souza Isaac,Sarkar Abhik,Gour Abhay Singh,Rao Vutukuru Vasudeva
For the operation of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) power cables at high voltage levels, the electric field distribution depends on the relative permittivity of dielectric materials. In HTS cables, PolyPropylene Laminated Paper (PPLP) is used as a cold dielectric material and is wrapped helically along the length of the conductor thereby electrically insulating it. During the installation and maintenance process of HTS cables, termination units and joint boxes, the PPLP is often exposed to moisture. The presence of moisture affects the dielectric breakdown strength and dielectric losses. The effect of moisture content in PPLP at ambient and liquid nitrogen temperature has been studied to determine the breakdown strength, relative permittivity (εr) and dissipation factor (tan δ). Effect of moisture content on the performance of PPLP via the measurement of dielectric breakdown strength and relative permittivity for various temperatures and moisture content are discussed in this paper.
Central Power Research Institute