Urban Management as a Pedagogical Tool. San José De Cúcuta: Causes, Phenomena and Impacts on Urban Growth


Coronel-Ruiz Luz KarimeORCID,Ayala García Erika TatianaORCID,Tami Cortes Magdiel DavianaORCID


In this article the transformation of the territory of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander- Colombia, borderarea with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during the last twenty years was studied, from a territorialand pedagogical approach based on the analysis of the physical dimensions -environmental, social-culturaland economic-normative, and phenomena such as: scarcity of developable land, limited urban planning andcontrol strategies, migration, informality of the land and risks due to socio-natural phenomena as input in orderto propose aspects and significant strategies for solving problems present in the territory. A mixed inductiveanalyticalmethod was used, by source of documentary data collection. It was found that the city shouldprioritize interventions focused on property sanitation and land formalization. In addition, that with respect tothe physical- environmental and social-cultural dimensions, it is necessary to establish mechanisms for urbanplanning and management in response to the Sustainable Development Goals proposed for Latin Americancities by the United Nations and contemplated in the agenda. 2030 for sustainable development.


Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

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