Domestic violence in the period of compulsory preventive isolation


Navas-Tolosa Oscar Mauricio,Hernández-Vergel Viviana Karina,Nova-Prada Jurley Katerin


This article aims to analyze the rates of domestic violence recorded in the Family Commissioner of a municipality in the Department of Norte de Santander observed in the first forty-one days of compulsory preventive isolation. The data found are analyzed to generate a descriptive analysis that allows to dimension the problem, which is complemented with the review of studies that takes the analysis of aspects associated with the phenomenon in order to improve the understanding of it. It is concluded that during the period of compulsory isolation, a negative influence has been observed in the development of the family dynamics of households in this municipality, reflected in an increase in calls to the lines set up by the State to report this crime.


Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

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