Anwar Syaiful,Yudaruddin Rizky,Naprida Dewi,Rai Wibowo Bagus,Lesmana Dadang
The research investigates the correlation between social aid expenditure and poverty, and inequality across 34 Indonesian provinces from 2004 to 2022. Utilizing the two-step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimate, it examines the impact of social aid expenditure on poverty rates and the Gini coefficient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show a significant decrease in the proportion of the impoverished population due to social aid expenditure, with minimal effects on inequality. The study highlights a substantial increase in both poverty and inequality during the pandemic, particularly in rural and urban areas. Analyzing the relationship between social welfare spending and COVID-19 impact reveals a positive influence on disadvantaged populations and inequality in Indonesian provinces. This underscores the need for a comprehensive review of social aid programs, especially amidst COVID-19 challenges.
Malaysian Institute of Planners