Orthodontic treatment of a non-syndromic patient with congenital agenesis of multiple permanent teeth: a rare case


,Andrei Oana Cella,Dinescu Mirela Ileana, ,Bisoc Adriana, ,Tărlungeanu Daniela Ioana, ,Mărgărit Ruxandra, ,Dina Magdalena Natalia,


This article presents the first stage of treatment, respectively the orthodontic management of a non-syndromic, 13-year-old patient, with multiple and asymmetric missing teeth. The difficulty of the case was increased by the association of an impacted premolar and also by the loss, due to extended caries, of three of the first permanent molars. The patient came from a rural area, where access to dental treatment was limited. His parents realized too late that the child had significant damage to his permanent first molars, that he was no longer eating properly and that he had spaces between teeth. The uncertain outcome of endodontic treatment and prosthetic restoration at the level of first permanent molars and the additional costs made the parents decide, together with the dental practitioner, to extract teeth Nos. 16, 36 and 46. Giving the situation, the first phase treatment plan was represented by orthodontic closing of several maxillary spaces and the reduction of edentulous ridge in the mandible, followed by the maintenance of the space for two future implants, each one replacing the first molars in the third and fourth quadrants. Particularly for this growing patient, early intervention to treat and save as much from the permanent teeth as possible, to expose the impacted premolar, to level and align the teeth in order to obtain continuous dental arches and a good occlusion plane, and later to apply space maintainers that will be replaced by prosthetic restorations, represented an enormous step for long-term stability and proper functioning.


Societatea Romana de Morfologie








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